Casino Brno -
International Hotel is in Brno,
Jihomoravský kraj, Czech Republic and is open daily 8pm-3am.
The casino features two slots and five table games.
The property has two restaurants and a hotel with 280 rooms.
Husova 16
Brno, Jihomoravský kraj 659 21
Czech Republic
General Information - +420 542 122 584
+420 542 122 838
- Casino Brno - International Hotel
has 2 total slots.
- American Roulette, 2 tables
- Blackjack, 1 tables
- Caribbean Stud Poker, 1 tables
Bar, Nightclub, Parking Garage and
Rates, TVs (Satellite TV)
- International Hotel
located within the Hotel)
Contains 280 Hotel Rooms.
