Casino Palais
Savarin is in Prague,
Praha, hlavní mešto, Czech Republic and is open daily 1pm-4am.
The casino features eight slots and thirteen table games.
The property has one restaurant.
Na Prikope 10
Prague, Praha, hlavní mešto 110 00
Czech Republic
Website -
Information - +420 224 221 636
+420 224 221 648
- Casino Palais Savarin has 8 total
- American Roulette, 6 tables
- , 5 tables
- Oasis Poker, 1 tables
- Poker, 3 tables
- Pontoon, 1 tables
- Seven Card Stud Poker, 1 tables
- Touch Bet Roulette, 1 tables
Casino Currency (CSK)
