VIP Club Casino -
Hotel Forum Praha is in Prague,
Praha, hlavní mešto, Czech Republic and is open daily 8pm-4am.
The 968 square foot casino features six slots and six table games.
The property has one restaurant and a hotel with 575 rooms.
Kongresova ulice 1
Prague, Praha, hlavní mešto 140 69
Czech Republic
General Information - +420 261 191 170
+420 242 068 4
Reservations - +420 261 191 111
- VIP Club Casino - Hotel Forum Praha
has 6 total slots.
- American Roulette, 3
tables- US$ 2.00 to US$ 1,000 bets
- Blackjack, 2 tables- US$ 2.00
to US$ 1,000 bets
- Poker, 1 tables
Bar, Beer Club, Casino Currency
(USD, Other currencies exchangeable at
casino cash desk.), Currency Exchange (Currencies Exchangeable at
casino cash desk), Dress Code (Proper Dress), Gym, ID/Passport Required
(ID/Passport Required), Language Spoken (English), Meeting Facility,
Minimum Age for Entrance (Minimum Gaming Age 18), Nightclub, Sauna (2),
Solarium, Squash, Swimming, Tennis Court, Transportation (Airport
Transportation: Taxi, Subway)
- Hotel Forum Praha (Casino located within the Hotel)
Contains 5 Handicapped Rooms and 531 Hotel Rooms and 39 Suites.
