Barcelona Hotel & Casino
is in Las Vegas,
and is open daily 24 hours-USA
Barcelona Hotel & Casino
is in Las Vegas,
and is open daily 24 hours. The 11,000 square foot casino features 240
slots and seven table games.
The property has one restaurant and a hotel with 173 rooms.
5011 East Craig Road
Las Vegas, Nevada 89115-2250
United States
Website -
Information - (702)
Toll Free -
(800) 223-6330
(702) 644-6510
Toll Free Hotel
Reservations -
(800) 223-6330
- Dollar Slots, 27 machines
- Multi-denomination Slots, 25
- Nickel Slots, 90 machines
- Penny Slots, 27 machines
- Progressive Slots, 35 machines
- Progressive Video Poker, 49 machines
- Quarter Slots, 71 machines
- Video Poker, 145
machines- $0.05 to $1.00 bets
- Blackjack, 2 tables- $3.00 to
$100 bets
- Roulette, 1 tables- $0.25 to
$100 bets
- Restaurant serves Breakfast, Lunch
and Dinner
Dance Floor,
Live Entertainment, Swimming Pool
- Unspecified (Casino
located within the Hotel)
Contains 173 Standard Rooms.
Toll Free Telephone is 8002236330.

Slots Plus Casino