Koh Kong
Casino is in Srok Mondoul Seyma, Kaoh Kong, Cambodia and is open daily
9am-10pm. The casino's gaming space features 100 gaming machines and
forty-three table and poker games. The property has three restaurants
and a hotel.
Phum Cham Yeam
Khum Paklong
Srok Mondoul Seyma, Kaoh Kong 09351
- www.kohkonginter.com
General Information -
+855 39 588 173
General Information -
+855 39 588 181
General Information -
+855 39 588 182
General Information -
+855 93 588 174
General Information -
+855 93 588 175
General Information -
+855 93 588 176
FAX - +855 39 588 195
- Baccarat
- Blackjack
- Poker, 2 tables
- Roulette
- Grand Hotel Coffee Shop
- Coffee Shop
- Hill Court Coffee Shop
- Coffee Shop
- VIP A La Carte Restaurant
- Restaurant
- Koh Kong Interantional
Resort Club (Casino located within
the Hotel)