Grand Casino Poznan -
Polonez Hotel is in Poznan,
Poland and is open daily 2pm-4am.
The casino features thirty slots and nine table games.
The property has one restaurant and a hotel with 267 rooms.
Al. Niepodleglosci 36
Poznan, 61-714
General Information -
+48 61 853 06 04
General Information -
+48 61 853 06 64
FAX - +48 61
853 06 06
Hotel Reservations -
+48 61 864 71 00
- Grand Casino Poznan - Polonez Hotel has
30 total slots.
- American Roulette, 6 tables
- Blackjack, 3 tables
- Poker, 2 tables
Nearby Airport (Poznan, 10 km)
- Polonez Hotel (Casino located within the Hotel)
Contains 267 Hotel Rooms.