Rzeszow Hotel &
Casino is in Rzeszow,
Rzeszów, Poland and is open daily 6pm-4am, closed dec 24.
The casino features twenty-five slots and six table games.
The property has a hotel.
Ciepliñskiego 2
Rzeszow, Rzeszów 35-010
Information - +48 17 852 59 21
FAX - +48 17
875 00 00
Hotel Reservations -
+48 17 875 00 00
- Rzeszow Hotel & Casino has 25 total
- American Roulette, 4 tables- PLN 1
to PLN 100 bets
- Baccarat
- Blackjack, 2 tables- PLN 5 to PLN
800 bets
- Poker, 3 tables
Currency Accepted (Hard currency
accepted and Polish Zloty), Entrance
Fee (PLN 1,0), ID/Passport Required, Minimum Age for Entrance (18),
Nearby Airport (Krakow, 165 km)
- Rzeszow Hotel (Casino located within the Hotel)