Sofitel Victoria
Hotel & Casino
is in Warsaw,
Warszawa, Poland and is open daily 24 hours.
The 3,850 square foot casino features eleven slots and ten table games.
The property has four restaurants and a hotel with 341 rooms.
ul. Krowleska 11
Warsaw, Warszawa 00-065
General Information -
+48 22 827 66 33
FAX - +48 22
657 80 57
- American Roulette, 6 tables- USD
1.00 to USD 100 bets
- Blackjack, 3 tables
- French Roulette, 1 tables- USD 2.00
to USD 50 bets
- Poker, 4 tables
- Canaletto -
Polish serves Lunch and Dinner
- Green Bar -
- Hetmanska -
American serves Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
- Opera -
Restaurant serves Dinner
Bar, Casino Currency (PLZ, USD), Dress
Code (Proper Dress), Junkets,
Language Spoken (French, English, Polish), Minimum Age for Entrance
(Minimum Gaming Age 18), Nearby Airport (Warsaw, 10 km), Nightclub,
Sauna, Swimming Pool, Tournaments
- Sofitel Victoria Hotel (Casino located within the Hotel)
Contains 172 Double Rooms and 1 Presidential Suite and 158 Single Rooms
and 10 Suites.