Casino Da Madeira
& Casino Park Hotel is in Madeira,
Regiāo Autónoma da Madeira, Portugal and is open slot machines
in casino daily 4pm–4am.
The casino features 200 slots.
The property has one restaurant and a hotel.
Avenido Infante
Madeira, Regiāo Autónoma da Madeira 9000
General Information - +351 29 123 1121
+351 29 123 5894
- Casino Da Madeira & Casino Park
Hotel has 200 total slots.
Bar (Palm Bar Cocktail Bar until
04:00), Casino Currency (PTE), Disco,
Dress Code (Proper Dress, Jacket & Tie after 8pm), Entrance Fee
(PTE 360), ID/Passport Required, Language Spoken (Portuguese), Live
Entertainment (Cabaret with live international entertainment),
Nightclub (Best Night Club in town with tropical drinks and live music.
In the Casino, Wednesday to Saturday, until 04:00.), Nightclub
(Copacabana), Private Gaming Area
- Casino Park Hotel (Casino located within the Hotel)
