Casino de Monte Gordo
is in Monte Gordo,
Faro, Portugal and is open daily 4pm-3am.
The casino features 201 slots and sixteen table games.
The property has one restaurant.
Vila Real St. Antonio
Monte Gordo, Faro 8900
Website -
Information - +351 28 151 2225
+351 28 151 2261
- Casino de Monte Gordo has 201 total
- American Roulette, 2
tables- PTE 200 to PTE 2,000 bets
- Blackjack, 4 tables- PTE 1,000
to PTE 30,000 bets
- French Bank, 3 tables- PTE 500
to PTE 100,000 bets
- French Roulette, 6 tables- PTE
500 to PTE 5,000 bets
- Punto Banco, 1 tables- PTE
1,000 to PTE 20,000 bets
Bar, Casino Currency (PTE), Casino
Rules (Portuguese Law), Convention
and meeting space (Seating capacity till 250 people), Currency Accepted
(All included in system bank), Dress Code (Informal), Entrance Fee (PTE
500+00), ID/Passport Required, Language Spoken (Portuguese, Spanish),
Minimum Age for Entrance (18), Minimum Gaming Age (18), Nearby Airport
(Algarve, 15 km), Nightclub (In Restaurant), Private Gaming Area
