Casino de Vic sur C�re is in Vic
sur C�re,
Auvergne, France and is open 10am-2am daily, 10am-3am weekends.
The casino features fifty slots and three table games.
The property has one restaurant and a hotel with twenty-six rooms.
35, avenue Docteur Jean Lambert
Vic sur C�re, Auvergne 15800
Website -
Information - +33 4 71 47 50 22
FAX - +33
4 71 47 50 18
- Casino de Vic sur C�re has
50 total slots.
- Blackjack, 2 tables
- Boule, 1 tables
- English Roulette, 2 tables
- "Le Castel Viel" -
Nearby Airport (Aurillac, 14km)
- Vic H�tel (Casino located within the Hotel)
Contains 26 Double Rooms.